The Mr. Thank You Project


In this episode of Important Work, we welcome John Israel, who created a revolution of gratitude with his Mr. Thank You project. He’s sharing his story of expressing gratitude and asking the world to join him in a simple, yet massively ambitious goal.


He hopes to inspire 74 million thank you cards to be handwritten and delivered around the globe. That’s 1 percent of the world’s population expressing gratitude to one another! The thing is, it’s catching on fast with numerous national news outlets covering his journey, from Pop Sugar to Good Morning America.



Listen now and hear his story, including:


  • How gratitude through written word can enhance well-being, build community and grow the bottom line
  • How love, generosity, and appreciation inspired the origin story of the Mr. Thank You project
  • What beachside epiphany inspired John to feel a deep gratuity for his life and how he went to work expressing that gratuity
  • How John committed to writing five notes a day for 365 days and how he structured his approach to hold himself accountable
  • How gratitude can help you be more purposeful in your life with an attitude of giving versus an attitude of getting
  • Why you don’t need perfect writing and wordsmithing to write effective thank-you notes!

If we’re honest, there are a lot of people who are unhappy in this world. They are under stress to make their business work, in addition to the everyday stress trappings. However, when we approach life from a place of gratitude and express it to others, we can actually create positive feelings that result in unexpected gains.

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