The Go Giver Influencer


Building an empire of important work is a delicate balance of mission, purpose and enterprise. Doing something you love, that you’re good at, that fulfills your heart’s true desire while providing financial support (and hopefully more) is … complicated … to say the least.


One strategy to navigate that path a bit easier is to soak up as much knowledge as possible from those who’ve done it and done it well. Queue Bob Berg.


On this episode of Important Work, we welcome author and global speaker Bob Burg. Author of “The Go-Giver” series and so many other inspirational business books, Bob helps people see more in themselves while inspiring them to get the results they want when interacting with others.



If you’re on the path to finding your own important work, this is the episode for you. We discuss Bob’s own journey from a journalist to a salesperson to ultimately a business-oriented thought leader. Listen as Bob shares priceless wisdom, including:


  • Where the intersection of business and purpose lives
  • Why you need to do more than follow your passion
  • How to be compensated when doing important work
  • Why you should try to win without intimidation
  • How to be more influential in your approach to business
  • How to engage others while helping them be fulfilled
  • Where to start when building your body of work
  • Why taking action is of utmost importance


In addition to all of this rich information, Bob also shares his secrets to personal development, self and sales. To learn more about Bob and his books, including his own podcast series, visit

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