Outlaw: Life After Litigation


Many people feel that the life of a lawyer is a for-life commitment … or should we say a sentence? Whether you’re a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher, or anything else, walking away from a career that you’ve dedicated years and years of your life to master can seem impossible. 


In this episode of Important Work, we welcome special guest Andrea Hall. Andrea is helping women lawyers leave the legal profession, showing them there is life after litigation. She let go of her ego and the love of money to realize that there was something more to her life. Today, Andrea works with horses, a big change!



If you’ve thought about making a switch in your career, this episode is for you. Listen as we discuss:


  • How to jump headfirst into something new
  • How to know what your important work is
  • What happens when you change careers
  • How to help people in a new way
  • Why our childhoods keep us stuck 


Listen as we discuss how you can breakthrough, but also, how Andrea’s work with horses helps people breakthrough struggles in life and business.  


For more information, about Andrea and her business, visit www.witherswhisper.com or check out Andrea’s podcast “Outlaw.”


About Important Work


Important Work is an audio and video podcast that aims to serve as a platform for heart-centered entrepreneurs who want to expand who they are as individuals. 


Produced by Groundswell Agency, we aim to bring you insights, interviews, and how-tos on a weekly basis that can help you think differently and dig into what your true purpose is - your important work. 


If you feel something stirring, you should have a conversation with us to develop and iterate your own body of work that serves your own important work on this planet. Follow us at https://www.instagram.com/groundswellagency/ and https://www.facebook.com/groundswellagency to learn more.

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