Find Your Calling: How to Look for Your Life’s Work


 What is your calling in life, in your career, with your family? One of the most difficult places to be in is seeing others happily hum along in their day jobs or charging ahead to make the world a better place while you’re stuck somewhere in between. If your soul has been gently tugging on your mind, saying that maybe there’s a higher purpose to fulfill, congratulations, you’re in the right place.


In this episode of Important Work, we speak about that point in a person’s life where they have tried things to feel a sense of purpose in their work and it just hasn’t panned out. It seems there are seasons of people’s lives; we all run into boredom, irritation, and dissatisfaction, the key is identifying when you’re ready for what’s next and taking the first step to getting there.



Listen as we discuss how to find your calling, including:


  • How to have the courage to try something new
  • What the symptoms look like that you need something new
  • Where clues and symptoms to your purpose are hiding
  • Where is the moment of discovery when it makes a difference
  • How to listen to the quiet ping of truth inside your soul
  • What to do when you don’t know what your calling is
  • How to identify what purpose you want to serve
  • What to do after you establish your calling and set an agenda


One of the single most effective tools for finding your calling start with answering a simple question: “Where I want to change or make a difference is _______.” You can look within two key areas to fill in that blank, but you’ll have to listen in to the episode to find out what they are.


About Important Work


Important Work is an audio and video podcast that aims to serve as a platform for heart-centered entrepreneurs who want to expand who they are as individuals.


Produced by Groundswell Agency, we aim to bring you insights, interviews and how-tos on a weekly basis that can help you think differently and dig into what your true purpose is - your important work.


If you feel something stirring, you should have a conversation with us to develop and iterate your own body of work that serves your own important work on this planet. Follow us at and to learn more.

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