Awaken the Best You

When searching for your Important Work, it can feel a bit like wandering around in the desert, particularly if internal limiting beliefs continually hold you back from jumping in.  


Limiting beliefs are the things that we bump up against when we set out to do something and our internal dialog speaks back, telling us we don’t have what it takes to reach our goals.



On this episode of Important Work, we welcome special guest Misty Springer, host of the Awaken the Best You show. Join us as we discuss how to break through limiting beliefs to awaken the best you, including:


  • What the ultimate connection between heart, body and mind is
  • How to tap into your innate purpose in life and work
  • Why limiting beliefs hold us back from Important Work
  • Why it’s important to deconstruct your internal limiting beliefs
  • How our thoughts affect our realities, creating a looping effect
  • How our brain actively tries to keep us safe and comfortable
  • Why confronting limiting beliefs can improve your health


Listen in as we cover all of this; Misty also walks through her process to help people awaken their best selves. For more information, or to reach out to Misty, you can find her on Instagram @MistySpringerWellness or or on Facebook.

About Important Work


Important Work is an audio and video podcast that aims to serve as a platform for heart-centered entrepreneurs who want to expand who they are as individuals.


Produced by Groundswell Agency, we aim to bring you insights, interviews and how-tos on a weekly basis that can help you think differently and dig into what your true purpose is - your important work.


If you feel something stirring, you should have a conversation with us to develop and iterate your own body of work that serves your own important work on this planet. Follow us at and to learn more.

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